Then turn an additional 120 degrees. The Caterpillar features a six-cylinder, fuel-injected engine. . I found the torque specs you posted for 3406E but it is for a 435hp. 0 PSD 4x4 Excursion Limited (sold) & 2003 Thor Citation 41-ZBSR Kawasaki ZX-11 Reply Save The E was the first successful fully electronic motor. The bolts that hold the front mount to the engine torque to 75 foot pounds. I am in need for tourqe specs and overhead clearances for a cat engine I'm having a hard time finding serial #it is an 3406 a model it's in a 86 international truck. Torque for bolts. 4000-5. Note: The dash marks on the front of the damper assembly must be in. Engine Torque Specs. You're lucky to have never had a stripped bushing. FIELD SERVICE TECHNIC. Yes, the torque for the oil pump and pick up tubes is 35 foot pounds. The two bolts that hold the mount to the frame does not have a torque listed in the manual. Please reply back if you need more help or have more questions. Emissions. 5. Covers torque specs & engine dimensions & clearances. 98-90. And boy, was it successful. Jakes Injector Retainer Fuel Line hats 190 + 10 lb. #9 + Quote Reply. Install the 3 nuts and washers that were. Check the torque of the oil pick-up, while. on the feeler gauge and torque the lock-nut to 25 lb. 402" (137. NOTE: For Specifications with illustrations, make reference to ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS for 3406 VEHICLE ENGINE, Form No. 114. Feb 25, 2011. Re-install fuel tubes and torque to Caterpillar specifications (35 lb. Jun 14, 2016 #1 FRANK_WOT Bobtail Member 28 14 May 8, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa 0 Good day all, I'm looking for a document showing the power and torque curves or power/torque per RPM specifications of the CAT3406E (2WS) or the C15 (6NZ) engines (factory tuned). 3406E 5EK 31620 (family#RCP893EZDARA) w/ a 500 hp flash (I think) fuel temp and boost wires installed turbo waste gate has been disabled, pulls 30lb boost with cold temps. Freightshaker3406b Bobtail Member. • Engine model • Engine serial number • Engine horsepower rating • Determine whether the vehicle has ABS or not • Determine the vehicle electrical system - 12 or 24 volt system, engine or isolated ground (isolated ground systems require dual-lead controls). Specifications; Features; Applications and Spec Sheets; Specifications. Think. The rockers, and jakes torque to 80 foot pounds. Covers all torque & clearance specs needed for the overhaul/repair of this engine. Associate of Applied Scienc. 060 P7446 3406B prior 1991 . One of the most important aspects of engine assembly is, KEEP IT CLEAN! ENGINE BUILD SPECIFICATIONS – CATERPILLAR® C12 MAIN CAP BOLTS: 71-74 ft/lbs, +90° (w/ SAE 30 or Moly Lube) Turbocharger Manifolds Oil Pump, Pan & Related Lubrication Parts Flywheel Seals Water Temperature Regulator Water Pump & Lines Piston Cooling Jets Starter Alternator / Regulator Sensors (coolant, air inlet, oil & fuel temperature; oil, barometric & atmospheric pressure; APP) Fuel Transfer Pump Fuel Injectors CAT Torque CAT Torque Chart, Continued Model Horsepower @ RPM Torque @ RPM 3406 290 @ 1800 1000 @ 1200 3406 300 @ 2100 1054 @ 1200 3406 310 @ 1800 1090 @ 1200 3406 325 @ 2100 1050 @ 1200 3406 330 @ 1600 1320 @ 1200 3406 380 @ 2100 1285 @ 1200 3406 400 @ 1900 1450 @ 1250 3406 435 @ 1800 1550 @ 1650 3406 455 @ 1800 1460 @ 1200 3406 455 @ 2100. ft Injector Retainer 40 lb. nuts) 46 lb. ft + 120 degrees Rods 70 lb. Add to cart. install crankshaft rear seal and wear sleevebmoeller said: The 435 can go to 475. I have an older Freightliner with a cat 3406B . And boy, was it successful. 3406 3406B 3406 3176 3176B 3176 2EK All 346D PEEC 148-7440 148-7449 148-7422 148-7416 148-7416 N/R 143-64563 2350 and up 349A PEEC 148-7430 N/A N/A 148-7416 148-7416 N/R 143-64563 3ZJ All 346D Mechanical 148-7440 148-7449 148-7422 143-6608 143-6608 N/R N/R 2350 and up 349A Mechanical 148-7430 N/A N/A 143-6608 143-6608 N/R. These engines maintain low operating costs to. 2ws 3406E on a 99 Pete 379 Im doing the front structure gaskets and i need the torque specs for all the bolts on the back plate and the timing gears. 376 19. lbs. Reply. Piston Compression Ratios. 165" Wrist Pins (Big Pin) 3406E & C15 For engines produced using 2-piece articulated piston 1807352, some customers expressed an interest to upgrade with a 1-piece steel piston. 4. For your largest power needs in any environment, Cat ® 3406C Industrial Diesel Engines offer the unsurpassed performance and durability your customers need to keep their industrial applications and operations running. I have a 2000 Pete 3406E, working on turbo& exhaust manifold, I was told it would be a lot better to use a manifold from a cat 3406 B model. Torque spec for flywheel, clutch, bell housing bolts on Cascadia DD13. It can produce between 1,000 pound-feet of torque at 1,200 rpm and 1,850 pound-feet of torque at 1,200 rpm. The torque sequence for the head bolts and the correct way to tighten the bolts are attached to this reply. I need the bolt torque specs for the bell housing, flywheel, and clutch on a 3406e cat engine. I found the torque specs you posted for 3406E but it is for. May 31, 2020 #1. 636 satisfied customers. ynot · #5 · Nov 2, 2006. Haney · #2 · Sep 12, 2009. 025mm) CUMMINS ISX/QSX NOTE: “The difference between the lowest cylinder liner and the highest cylinder liner can not be greater than 0. We have the serial number 2ws35467. The Cat 3406E Oil pan torque specs provide the necessary details to ensure that it is correctly secured. 0005 inch)VIBRATECH 716405-000 Caterpillar C15 C16 3406 3408 provides superior control of torsional vibrations at all engine power levels and RPM'S. read moreNOTE 1: Early 3406 Engines prior to Ser. Vocational, Technical or Tra. 50 N. (68 N•m). b. Ft. buy new bolts, torque the injector bolt down the first time using the old bolts 37 Ft/Lbs. I found the torque specs you posted for 3406E but it is for a 435hp. 1959 Kenworth CC 925 NTC-400 5x3 4. Sure. Looks like someone in the past has had similar problems and drilled out the other bolt? Disassembly and Assembly 3406E On-Highway Engine Media Number -SENR5016-06 Publication Date -01/02/2005 Date Updated -18/02/2005 i03898290 Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install SMCS - 1210-010-GE Removal Procedure Start By: Remove the front cover. If the difference is greater than 0. The torque on the oil pan bolts is 32ft lbs plus or minus 5 ft lbs. ft + 120 degrees 65 lb. I am happy to assist. pichu · #2 · Apr 16, 2009. I am sorry to hear you are having this issue. I have never liked this 500 hp program. 67mm)Simulated Truck Spec 3406E - 550 Transmission: 18 Speed (0. #### lawyers!3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines – Vibration Damper. 005” 0. The. Do you have same specs for a 475HP. In. 450 ± 15 N·m (330 ± 11 lb ft) Note: The flatness of the cylinder head should be within a total of 0. Fits Caterpillar 3406 Engines with Pre-Combustion Piston number 6N4126 or 7N3633. There are the four larger bolts that act as head bolts and there are two smaller bolts . Refer to page 2. The. 190 + 10 lb. read more. . 7 104 B17A1 92-93 14,23 FT/LBS 56 FT/LBS 22,61 FT/LBS ACURA 1. ft Caterpillar 3406E Specifications Manual (5EK, 6TS) $ 89. 3406 250 @ 1600 1000 @ 1200 3406 280 @ 2100 1015 @ 1200. 70:1 3. 030 for a jake at 435 is correct. 70:1 — Balanced 3. When Should You Replace an Oil Cooler? Adept Ape 210K subscribers Subscribe 1. The torque specs on 3406 e and valve and injector settings need head bolt torque rod and main bearing torque 2000 t 600 - Answered by a verified Technician. cf43 Discussion starter · Jun 22, 2012. The dimension is measured from the top of the unit injector lifter to the machined ledge of the fuel injector body. read more. Today we Are doing CAT 3406 Engine Cylinder Head Bolts Torque (D8N 9TC00001-UP Dozer) Will Do Overhead Valve Adjustment in Next Video , Thanks For Watching H. 25:1 CR Caterpillar 3406E Engine Inframe-Overhaul Rebuild Kit, Piston 1807352, AFA Diamond Fits Caterpillar 3406E truck engines with serial numbers beginning with 1LW & 2WS. Common Problems a. They have the reliability that older, mechanical engines have, but also have the benefits of being an electrical motor. A long screwdriver and rag will clean where the orings sat in the head. I know the Mack sixes are lower on displacement compared to almost all the other manufacturers (why is this?). Speed Power Torque Cons Rate _____ _____ _____rpm bhp lb-ft lb/bhp-hr g/hr bhp lb-ft lb/bhp-hr g/hr 2800 375 703 . D. 3406 exhaust studs break all the time. Remove seal (6) from valve cover base (4). serial number is ** Im looking for torque specs for rods, Mains, head gasket procedure and torque. (1) Apply 4C-5593 Anti-Seize Compound to all of the bolts at assembly. 1,336 satisfied customers. 16-137. Hello vienotkelly: The correct Main bolt torque is 42 foot pounds. Runs like a top with very little blow-by. Engine Make: Caterpillar Engine Cubic Inches: 893 Engine Model: 3406, 3406B, 3406C, 14. and higher tightening torque are effective with S/N 2EK1823. FIELD SERVICE TECHNIC. To time the rack, you use the static timing pin in the front hole. 3406E marine engine Torque sequence and torque setting for cylinder head,. b. 015 Exhaust - . Torque the lock nut to 35 N•m (25 lb. This characteristic allows operators to get a lot of. "Torque is like cowbell. Caterpillar 3406E Engine Specifications. Place a . The rods torque to 95 foot pounds plus a 60 degree turn. 24 Feb 11, 2017 0 Hello, seems I’m having trouble getting the torx bolt out of the front gear case of this 1999 3406E. K. Rack/Timing Sensors c. Good afternoon i have a 2007 cat c-13 engine seal number BXS28202 Im looking for the torque specs for the valve cover base, rockers and jake assemblies, also looking for the tune up procedures for the. First question is on main bearing replacement. edu on July 14, 2023 by guest Kindle File Format 3406e Cat Engine Torque Specs Main Bearings This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this 3406e cat engine torque specs main bearings by online. Vocational, Technical or Tra. 025mm 0. buy new bolts, torque the injector bolt down the first time using the old bolts 37 Ft/Lbs. E-6, E-7, E-Tech, MP8, MP11 etc… all pretty solid. . May 10, 2021 3406E and 3456 Industrial Engines – Crankshaft Remove Crankshaft Start By: a. m). ft. 02mm) Main Journal Diameter: 4. See detailed specifications and technical data for Caterpillar Engines manufactured in 2014 - 2023. 6 TDC. So it very well may be normal. Print version. remove crankshaft front seal and wear sleeve NOTE: Check the bearing caps for a number as to their location. I've searched through the entire internet and simply can't find what I'm looking for. If there is no hp rating on the tag,look up the CPL and the arrangement number to look it up. ft / 3/8 bolts = 35 lb. Oct 12, 20153406E CATERPILLAR Rod Bolts Main Bolts Head Bolts 66 +/- 7 lb. ft / 48 lb. Make an adjustment to the unit injectors on cylinders 3, 5, and 6. Ratings: 160-242 bkW (215-325 bhp) @ 1800 rpm are NSPS site compliant capable with. 27M with a cracked head. . With a six-cylinder and stock turbocharger, this engines explodes with horsepower. Make sure your mating surfaces are all clean, bolt her down and torque, run engine a few minutes and recheck torque. i was wondering what to torque the rods on my 3406c model engine its the manuel pump motor it has the cap screw style bolts not the stud type with the nuts. We have the serial number 2ws35467. The connecting rods torque to 29 foot pounds. I had a 3406E that was a 5EK it was a great engine. sailboatjim Light Load Member. Drop it in the slot, (with the key on, or solenoid removed) and rubber strap the throttle back all the way. Step 1 = 190 lb. P. In a numerical sequence, again tighten bolt 1 through bolt 9 to a torque of 135 ± 20 N·m (100 ± 15 lb ft). Following this process properly can help extend the life of your engine and reduce repair costs in the long run. 20% increase in airflow over stock; 75-100 degree cooling of EGTs; Made in the USA; Warranty: 3 Year Unlimited Mile Warranty We have designed our exhaust manifolds to maximize the exhaust air flow to reduce turbo lag time and cool exhaust. 95. 002" tight than spec (. Engine Torque Specs. Factory printed specifications manual for the Cat 3406E engine. [ QUOTE ] The 3406E 435HP version has 1550 or 1650 ft/lb torque and has up to 600HP and 2050 ft lb torque. 18 speed 4. I found the torque specs you posted for 3406E but it is for. 70:1 — Balanced 3.