Aa meetings nassau. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking. Aa meetings nassau

 members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinkingAa meetings nassau 560 Old Bethpage Rd Zoom

You can also call Al-Anon directly at 1-888-4AL-ANON. For information on Meeting reopenings, head to Reopening Information . Calendar. Topic. Available 12 pm to 5 pm. 2801 Park Ave. Albertson/Searingtown Afternoon Discussion. Meeting List Produced by the Suffolk Area Service Committee Narcotics Anonymous Meetings On Long Island SASNA Web Site: longislandna. Nassau Intergroup Annual Picnic Tickets. Please help us keep your group's listing as up-to-date as possible. (516) 292. O. find a meeting anywhere. 61 miles from East Nassau, NY Call 866-351-4022 Free confidential helpline. Happy Hour Meeting. 12. Sat. 5:30 PMFriday. Living Sober, Online Meeting, Open, Reopened Meeting. Day/Time: Friday's at 8:30 PM Location: First Congregational Church Address: 14 Brookside Rd - Nassau, NY Meeting Notes: Open AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access Distance: Darien Pass It On is 1. 361 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, NY, United States Hybrid Zoom ID- 922 8787 8377 Passcode -12345. Click Here + +For up-to-the-minute, printable copies of select zones of Nassau, head to the "Print to Order" page. (ID: 554 670 5146 Passcode: 870607) and live at the Nassau Intergroup Office 361. The closest AA meeting to you is 0. 8:00 pm. Contact (516) 292-3040. Your Intergroup is often where the sick alcoholic first calls or shows up for A. podcasts. A. Mon 18 September 18 @ 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Bernadette. links to meetings by town here in Nassau County, a list of "Telephone Meetings," a fully printable, searchable copy of the. A meeting, service and information resource for Alcoholics Anonymous. Mon 18 September 18 @ 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm. New Intergroup Rep Orientation (in person). 41 miles away and meets on Wednesday at 6:00 PM. f. 5:00 PMWednesday. Meeting Finder. 12 Step Meetings may be irregular, please call first, especially during Bahamian Public. 474 Wantagh Ave. A. Closed meetings are for A. No Frills Grp *Reopened*. Levittown. 12 Step Recovery Home Nassau NA Nassau AA Meeting Map Contact 12 Step More Information Other 12 Step. . 475 Riverside Dr. AA Meeting Locator. Phone meeting: 712-770-4340; Access Code 799474 This group is meeting via phone conference only. Sober Voices Group/Telephone AA Meetings — (712) 432-0075 Passcode 654443# Daily 12PM and 10PM EST; and Friday and Saturday 12AM EST. Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nassau Bay, Texas. Please visit the offical Al-Anon website and use the meeting locator to confirm all meetings and times. Ch of the Ascension. Intergroup Association of Nassau, Inc. 4 miles from Nassau. AA Metings in Nassau on Tuesday. Alateen, and Alcoholics Anonymous members. Nassau County: Reopened Meeting, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access: 11:30 am : Woodside Keep It Green @43rd Ave: St Jacobus Lutheran Church. Intergroup Association of Nassau, Inc. It is regularly updated, so please. just for tonight. Monday Night 12 & 12 Group. Christ Luth Ch. Full Moon: 6: For more information on this calendar . 3045Nassau Intergroup. Find a Meeting; Area Events. 6:30 AMTuesday. 300 Old Country Rd. Bernadette. Syosset. 5:00 PMWednesday. the kirk group meets: monday & thursday @ 6:00pm. As meeting information changes frequently, you may wish to verify that the information is accurate through local helplines or webpages. SELECT YOUR REGION. A. AA Meetings; New York; Nassau County For More Information on Meetings and Times Call: 1-866-920-0628. Day/Time: Friday's at 5:00:00 PM Location: New Hope Women's Center Address: 3636 Meadow Wood Dr - Pasadena, TX Meeting Notes: AA Discussion Meeting, Open AA Meeting (Alcoholics Anonymous), Wheelchair Access, Women's AA Meeting Distance: New Hope Group Women is 11. Meeting is from 10am to 11am. AM Group *Reopened*. Addiction Treatment Magazine has compiled a list of alcoholics anonymous meetings in Nassau and the surrounding cities. Meeting Address Region Format; asdfasdf12482: 7: Sunday: 01:00:00: 1:00AM: INTO ACTION 2. , Inc. New York, NY 10001. Manhasset. Day/Time: Tuesday's at 8:30 PM Location: First Congregational Church Address: 14 Brookside Rd - Nassau, NY Meeting Notes: Alcoholics Anonymous Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access Distance: Darien Pass It On is 6. By HMB Hudson-Mohawk-Berkshire Area 48 of Alcoholics Anonymous. County (ALISON) 516-433-8003. 5:00 PMTuesday. com Helplines: Suffolk County: (631) 689-NANA (6262) Nassau County and Regional: (516) 827-9500 Regional Web Site: nanewyork. Al-Anon Suffolk Information Service. This is a meeting finder, managed by the Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office that lists over 100,000 weekly meetings and is updated daily. The Bahamas is made up of 700 islands and cays with the majority of the country's population located on 20 islands. About this app. most recent printed edition or. meetings and resources near them. A. Meeting Finder. United Meth Ch. . This website is provided by recovering alcoholics to help carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. for InterGroup business, books & literature, speakers for non-AA groups, etc. 6:15 AMThursday. 8:00 AM. Sunday, 7:00 am. Nassau, NY Tuesday at 8:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access 14 Brookside Rd Nassau, NY Tuesday at 7:30 PM AA 12 Traditions Study, Wheelchair Access 14 Brookside Rd Nassau, NY Suggest an edit Other Friday Meetings near Nassau, New York For More Information on Meetings and Times Call 866-641-9190?Meeting List for Alcoholics Anonymous in Nassau County New York Alcoholics Anonymous Links and Information 24 hour HotLine: (516) 292. Long Beach. service entities in an easy-to-access format. Search Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Nassau County, New York Many people prefer attending AA Meetings in their own community like Nassau County, New York. In-person. In the spirit of AA's Tradition Four which guarantees full autonomy to all groups within the Fellowship, Nassau Intergroup has no role in the establishment of. Jones Beach. # Additional information including a communication concerning COVID-19 fromBasement Room 108. 15500 El Camino Real: Clear Lake. Ocean Beach. 6:30 AMWednesday. All you’ll have to do is click on the Zoom link, or dial in by telephone, for the meeting you’d like to join. DayBreak Treatment Solutions. Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in East Nassau, New York. (516) 292. * * * No Longer Meeting * * * UpDtd: 05/16: Dumping Grounds . Is AA for you? Starting a New Group? A. The people in each group get together, usually once or twice a week, to hold AA meetings, of two main types: At “open meetings”, speakers tell how they drank, how they discovered AA, and how its program has helped them. and Shirley Park Ave. The meeting guide is an essential tool for finding AA meetings near you. Search Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in New York. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking. Nassau Intergroup Share A Day. Our volunteer-staffed office is typically open from 9am-5pm every day, but please call the office number above before you come. 26 miles away and meets on Thursday at 7:30:00 PM. 9:00 PMFriday. 5:00 PMTuesday. Click Here + +For More Information on Meetings and Times Call: 1-866-920-0628 Search Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Nassau Shores, New York Many people prefer attending AA Meetings in their own community like Nassau Shores, New York. Information. There are plenty of AA meetings in New York and you can find them below. service entities provide the meeting data for. Alcoholics Anonymous-- Nassau Intergroup - CLOSED (516) 292-3040. Click Here + +Christ Lutheran Church. The Big Book; 12 Steps and 12 Traditions;. YEARS IN BUSINESS (212) 870-3400. For More Information on Meetings and Times Call: 1-866-920-0628 Search Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Nassau County, New York Many people prefer attending AA Meetings in their own community like Nassau County, New York. Today's AA Meetings. The closest AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting to you is 6. St John's Luth Ch by the Sea. M Malverne 12 Step Fever Church of the Intercessor. S. Steps to Recovery Al Anon Family Group. 6:30 AMSunday. # Information about telephone and online AA meetings is available at the back of our printed meeting list and on our website. ® or any AA entity except the Suffolk Intergroup Association and does not represent the views of AA as a whole. West Hempstead. Interactive map on /meetings/ page gives customized AA schedules. Nassau County: Closed, Reopened Meeting, Wheelchair Access: 7:30 pm : Oxford: Church of St Matthew & St Timothy. 35. Jul 23 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Read more . Alcoholics Anonymous, Into Action, Page 83, with permission of A. History;. Find more AA meetings in Freeport, NY review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types. to find a meeting. Daily Online LGBT Meetings. Office Staff Only: 212. For More Information on Meetings and Times Call: 1-866-920-0628 Search Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Nassau, Minnesota Many people prefer attending AA Meetings in their own community like Nassau, Minnesota. an updated. Intergroup Association of Nassau In Person (f2f) Meetings. The Nassau aa meetings nassau offer support and camaraderie to people who are dealing with alcohol-related issues. Bayville - Brookville - Cold Spring Harbor - DouglastonDarien Pass It On AA Meeting. 1300 Jericho Oyster Bay Rd. Nassau Area Service Meetings. 04 miles away and meets on Monday at 8:00 PM. Click Here + +2740 Martin Ave. Port Washington Grp *Reopened*. 5:30 PMFriday. Baldwin. 72-01 43rd Ave. Location. com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer,. NA Meeting - Saint Mary's Church. Sun: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Remarks :. However, you may want to call ahead to confirm that AA meetings in Nassau will be held on the dates and times you have in mind. Seventy Ninth Street Workshop.