” James said decisively, “All for one and one for all, us marauders. Sirius wanted to point out that they’d been leaving him alone all week—but Remus was looking at James gratefully; he didn’t seem too keen on remaining the centre of attention. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. 411 pages • first pub 2021 not a book user-added ISBN/UID: None. “So if Marlene knows…” Remus said, pointedly, trailing off as he tied the letter to the leg of the bird he’d picked. ” Sirius turned to look at James, and his friend stared back. Regulus had chosen his side. Sirius rolled over and rested his chin on his hands, watching Moony dream. fiction fantasy lgbtqia+ romance. Chapter 80: Fifth Year: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. “I thought I’d never see you all again!” “Godrick, you always have to be so dramatic. It feels weird to be writing you a letter. Don’t make a sound. Marlene grinned, blushing. The common room was chaos—exactly the way that Sirius liked it. Want to read Buy on Amazon Rate this book All the Young Dudes: Sirius's Perspective - Volume Four: 'Til The End Rollercoasterwords 4. She also goes beyond the. K. Chapter 58: Fourth Year: Competition. Slytherin game, Sirius received a howler at. ) Chapter 1: Verano de 1971 Chapter Text. Sirius turned back to the quidditch pitch, quickly breaking eye contact. 640 pages, Paperback. Chapter 120: Seventh Year: Thunder Summary: regulus makes an entrance. Moody and Ferox considered the werewolves. Chapter 7: First Year: Marauders Notes:. She does are excellent job of writing the relationship between the Black brothers, and the scenes with Sirius and James are great too. Mr. The tall boy (extremely tall, especially from Sirius’s current perspective) looked from James to Peter, then back to Sirius, processing what he’d just seen. “Lacero!” “Toujours Pur!” “Mum—mum, stop!” Sirius forced his eyes open, startled by the panicked voice. Friday 9 th November 1973. and reckless, and downright stupid. What a perfect chance to park. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. He was smiling. Chapter Text “Don’t forget,” James said, breathing hard as he landed his broom, “Tomorrow at—” “6 o’clock sharp, yes Potter, I know,” Sirius groaned, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “You wanted to be on the team, Sirius me ol’ chum. “Oh, sorry!”All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. Format: Digital. Chapter 39: Second Year: The Long Last Day (Part Two) Chapter Text. “No. Transfiguration was a breeze; they were turning stag beetles into pepper shakers. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. Language: English. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. this is literally just me rewriting each chapter of atyd but from Sirius's perspective bc i love this story so much and can't get enough of it. ” Sirius flushed—Remus wasn’t actually suggesting that this was his faultAll the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. “I don’t care,” Remus said, “Go if you want to. Their carriage was jam packed—eight people, all crammed into one car. Sirius continued to work, radio playing quietly in the background, as Remus watched. Chapter 6: First Year: Revenge Chapter Text. K. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. 329 ratings36 reviews. he doggedly ignored all of Sirius’s attempts to catch his eye. Notes: song at the beginning is "too late to turn back now" by cornelius brothers & sister rose. ”All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. “Morning,” Sirius mumbled, smiling self-consciously. their eyes met, and caught, and tangled together. ”Sirius realised that he had stood up, without meaning to. Book one covers years 1-4. “Bloody hell!” Sirius was pulled once more from sleep’s grasp, this time by the loud slam of the door and James’s accompanying exclamation. ” Sirius ran a hand through his hair, “James next. “Moony,” James said, slowly, “You may remember we had an idea, in third year…” “You have ideas all the time, Potter, be specific,” Remus said, impatiently. (I have a feeling it's going to be a whole lot sadder 💅)Thank you to MsKingBean89 for opening this wo. Y dudaba que en algún momento pudiera volver a dormir. A few days after the Gryffindor vs. Sirius stumbled back, out of the nursery, back towards the stairs. 80 163 ratings23 reviews Cover art by moony cig. hadn’t they been searching for each other again, ever since? didn’t their. He memorised family trees and French conjugation. Sirius was going to kill James Potter. K. “Yeah, I think I still sort of believe he is. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. Rowling; Relationships:. Sirius Black estaba despierto. -May I present. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. He wished he’d bothered to learn some healing spells—not that he’d be able to use them, unless he wanted the ministry of magic showing up at his house to demand an explanation for why a fifteen-year-old wizard was suddenly messing about. Sirius pushed open the door, still irritated, muttering darkly, “Keeping up appearances my arse. It made Sirius dizzy to look at her, cheeks gone red with all the blood rushing to her head. Chapter 105: Sixth Year: Spilling Secrets. Stars have disappeared from sight. All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. Chapter 2: Sirius: 1976 Summary: Ok so this is Sirius's PoV on Chapter 86 of All the Young Dudes, 'Sweet Sixteen'. Chapter 11: First Year: Birthdays, Books,. Chapter 43: Third Year: New Secrets Chapter Text. Chapter 57: Fourth Year: A Gathering Storm. . Rowling; Relationships:. All the Young Dudes: Bootleg Tapes MsKingBean89. On the opposite row of seats, Lily, Marlene. . “Morning. Something jostled his shoulder, and the dream slipped away, and he was in his bed, curled under the sheets. It was a very complicated process, but Sirius didn’t need to use all the steps—after all, his plan didn’t involve any permanence, it only needed to last through the gameAll the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. Wow, for a first fic, that is so amazing. 65. K. Sunday 4 th March 1973. That was the first thing Sirius noticed. Dumbledore left, and they followed him out of the cottage, hovering in the honey-gold light of the setting sun. ” Sirius smiled at him, encouragingly, and Remus finally sat, propping his elbows on his knees and a hand under his chin. Sirius began to feel dizzy, head pounding, breath coming in short, shallow gasps. Sirius insisted that they go straight home once it had been established that there was no longer any imminent danger. “Brilliant!” James crowed, breaking into a grin, “Completely brilliant!” “You’re so clever!” Peter gushed. They had to give us all maps so that we wouldn’t get. So baby hold on to me. He was taller. Narcissa and Regulus may have promised not to report back to his parents, but Walpurga Black still had a source of information somewhere at Hogwarts. I bet Lily’s going. He dropped his voice to a whisper, “Padfoot…all that blood. “Some friends from the old days, and some newer acquaintances. Reg was there, standing in the doorway, horrified and pale and pleading. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. Saturday 28 th June 1975. Classes won’t start til Monday, so we’ve all been given a few days for “settling in. As far as Sirius was aware, St. And with the attack last night—”Sirius wanted to hit him, to scream and kick and claw at those stagnant blue eyes. He didn’t even complain about James’s mental morning drills. Rollercoasterwords. 4. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. Chapter Text. ” “Fair,” James said, still sounding sceptical. He just wanted to sleep. Peter huffed, but pocketed the money, hurrying out the door with a quick farewell. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. Rowling Mature; Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings. Genres Fan Fiction Fantasy 681 pages, Paperback Published October 18, 2021 Book details & editions About the author Rollercoasterwords 10 books47 followers Ratings Description The Marauders from beginning to end, through the eyes of Sirius Black. “We won’t go then. Chapter 32: Second Year:. “It’s ok,” Remus said, weakly, although Sirius wasn’t entirely sure which one of them he. Wednesday 12 th September 1973 . Rowling; Relationships:. It’s so dark. All Slughorn cared about was power, just like every other Slytherin. Genres Fan Fiction Queer Fantasy. An eternity. Peter, James, and Lily sat on the other—now that Lily had finally calmed down, she was. Remus didn’t respond, but he didn’t leave, either. It’s all his fault, he thought to himself, seething as he climbed behind the tapestry. “Good night, wasn’t it?” “Yeah, great,” Sirius nodded, clinging eagerly to the topic, grateful for something safe to talk about, “Can’t believe we found that waterfall, Prongs reckons there’s a cave behind it. Sirius fell back onto his bed, curling up under the blanket. Spring had finally come to the castle and, while there was still a lingering chill in the early morning or late evening, at midday, with the sun high in the sky, Sirius felt as. Only just have enough room for all of you!” Sirius smiled unconsciously, soothed by the tender happiness of her voice. Sirius knew that it was a mark of status if you could convince a girl to like you, the sign that you had passed some sort of. At dinner, he struck up conversations with Peter (who seemed both flattered and slightly frightened by the attention) to avoid speaking. By the next weekend, Sirius was no closer to figuring out Moony’s secret. They all nodded, solemnly, and Sirius felt a horrible, sick weight begin to settle in the pit of his stomach. Remus followed behind him, breathing heavily. Moods funny 100% emotional 84% lighthearted 76% adventurous 69% dark 30% sad 30% challenging 23% hopeful 23% mysterious 15% reflective 15% Late summer, 1978. He raised a single eyebrow, waiting. His parents could talk about decorum all they wanted, but Sirius had gotten his temper from somewhere—watching the ceremony fall to pieces in front of his eyes, it was. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. K. Published January 1, 2021. And there’s no moon at all. But all of Sirius’s hard work to cheer him up was almost immediately negated; there were only twenty minutes or so until sunset by the time they arrived in Hogsmeade, and Madam Pomfrey was waiting for Remus at the station. ” She shook her head. 640 pages, ebook. Sirius continued to talk, eyes closed, cheek pressed pathetically against the porcelain toilet. C’mon, up you get…Leviocorpus!” All the breath was yanked from his lungs as Sirius was flung, abruptly, upwards, yanked like a puppet on a string. Sirius flapped a hand towards the little stool sitting in the corner. All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. and though it was unusual to host all of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, Sirius really didn’t see how this was going to be any different than all the other parties where pureblood wizards strutted about in. All the Young Dudes - Fandom; Harry Potter - J. Chapter Text. He wriggled out of the small window, swinging a leg over the hippogriff’s back and pulling himself up behind Hermione. Remus remained quiet throughout it all, dead on his feet, eyes skittering over Livia’s body and then away. Chapter 26: Second Year: Quidditch Chapter Text. He glared down at Remus, wanting to scream at him, to grab his robes and shake him, to pull him to his feet and—and— Sirius spun around, storming off across the grounds before he could do something that he would regret. Sirius went anyway, letting the door swing shut behind him and gripping the railing of the Potters’ porch. “He only did that because someone got over excited and blew up all those mushrooms. Sirius had no idea how his friend could act so casual around them when the marauders all knew now that, at any moment, a girl who you thought just wanted to be friends with you could turn everything around and make you think she fancied you, and then dump you within the month before you even had time to figure out if you were dating. Sirius finished within five minutes, flawlessly transfiguring the. ” “Don’t be silly. “No, no, no…” That wasn’t possible. Remus fell off the window ledge in shock. Deep down, Sirius knew that the screaming. Between the strange encounter with the girl at his birthday party and Remus’s obviously false story about inheriting money from his “aunt,” Sirius figured that his friend must be running some sort of underground business—but what?Sirius peered over his shoulder, curiously—one was from Ferox. ” “Same to you, McKinnon,” Sirius saluted her with his cider, grinning from across their little circle. The first 4 years of the Marauders time at Hogwarts, based on MsKingBean89’s ‘All the Young Dudes’ from Sirius’ perspective. Because of course—of course Remus would pull away, once he knew the full scope of that hidden, insidious need. The other was from Dumbledore. But Remus just laughed, fingers catching around his wrist, drawing Sirius’s hand up to his mouth to press a gentle kiss against his palm. Chapter 61: Fourth Year: November (Part One) Summary:. His knee bumped into Moony’s under the table, and he smiled as he reached for the honey. Sirius watched as they landed on the table, feathers ruffled—there were more than usual. Lupin, Many happy returns for the day. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. Dumbledore stared at him, as if he knew what Sirius was thinking. Sirius left—he threw his hands up, cutting Remus off, and he left. What a night. It was very, very ugly. The problem with trying to find a solution to his upcoming betrothal was that anytime Sirius thought about it, his chest got tight, and his throat closed up, and he felt very hot and. Peter shook him awake as the train pulled into Hogsmeade, and Sirius groaned, curling up tighter for a moment before unfurling his limbs and stretching. ”“See, this is why you’re the tin man – no heart, bloody cold-blooded bastard…” Sirius grumbled, poking him in the chest. He’d expected to keep secrets, and he’d expected that he’d have a lot of learning to do. “Yeah, I know. All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective Rollercoasterwords. It was a simple conclusion, but quite necessary if he wanted to ensure that he did not completely obliterate every friendship he had left. Genres Fan Fiction Queer Fantasy.