Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Navigation, primary. - 4:30 p. +1 973-839-3000. m. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. payment must be received before inspection date!!!!! call 973-839-3000 x 7120 to schedule an appointment. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Firearms Applications; Directory; Community ShareCam. STREET MAP. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Please take notice that the Annual Schedule of Meetings of the Wanaque Planning Board for the Calendar Year 2019 is as follows and will be held at the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey. Please take notice that the Annual Schedule of Meetings of the Wanaque Board of Adjustment for the Calendar Year 2023 is as follows and will be held at the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey. Email: [email protected]. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. com to obtain. Wanaque Borough; Wanaque / Haskell Education Foundation; Technology Helpdesk; Maintenance Helpdesk; School Performance Reports;. BOROUGH OF WANAQUE: 200: 11. Water. Mayor & Council; Board of Adjustments; Planning Board;. Search. Municipal Court / Violations; Recreation. Memorial Field. Welcome to The Borough of Wanaque. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Wanaque Mayor and Council Meeting Monday, March 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM Meetings of the Wanaque Mayor and Council for the Calendar Year 2022 will be held at the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey. 2023 Annual Schedule of Meetings of the Wanaque Mayor and Council. There is a 10 day grace period. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Wanaque Key Map 1. Home; About Us; Government; Departments &. Home; About Us. New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Made up of both Wanaque (formerly Midvale) and Haskell. com. m. Chapter 10 Court, Municipal (§ 10-1 – § 10-18) Chapter 12 Ethics, Code of (§ 12-1 – § 12-14) Chapter 13 Fire Department and Emergency Services (§ 13-1 – § 13-30)Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. AGENDA . 2022 Administrator Report. Contact Us. 003 Wanaque Sheet 3. Search. New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Misses cannot be reported the day of collection. Census. 01. net. 973-881-4396. New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. , AND ITS REGULAR MEETING WILL FOLLOW AT 8:00 P. RABIES CLINIC. Plumbing Inspector – Alan Spinozzi. The piece of steel, NIST-039, a mere 66" in. Term Expires December 31, 2024. Please take notice that the Annual Schedule of Meetings of the Wanaque Board of Adjustment for the Calendar Year 2023 is as follows and will be held at the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey. on the scheduled dates unless otherwise specified. Dial 911 to Report Any Fire ChiefMark A. Final action m ay be taken on all matters listed or added to this agenda. Halloween. This agenda was prepared as of 7/7/2023 with all. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets 2023; Council Meeting Booklets 2022; BIDS & RFPS; Agendas & Minutes. New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA)BOROUGH OF WANAQUE Municipal Building 579 Ringwood Avenue Wanaque, New Jersey 07465 (973) 839-3000 x 7100 and Health Education/ Borough of Wanaque. and Wanaque and will be posted on our Borough Facebook page, Borough of Wanaque Municipal Offices. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. This page began as the Wanaque Chamber of Commerce page. lengths and tied or put into cans. U. com. net. **New for 2023 Meetings begin at 7:00 p. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. (973) 839-3000 x7100. 18% annually and its population has increased by 0. 001 Wanaque Sheet 3. The Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of all roads in the Borough, as well as all ball fields and parks. Navigation, primary. Main Office. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Years ago, the Chamber folded. The Municipal Clerks Office is available to answer questions Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm @973-839-3000 x7100 or email [email protected]. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets 2023; Council Meeting Booklets 2022; BIDS & RFPS; Agendas & Minutes. Years ago, the Chamber folded. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Tax, Zoning and Street Maps; Vital Statistics Registrar; Emergency Services. This page began as the Wanaque Chamber of Commerce page. Wanaque (pronounced WANNA-kyew) With a 2023 population of 11,377, it is the 123rd largest city in New Jersey and the 3744th largest city in the United States. Agenda TopicsWanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. HALLOWEEN: As a reminder to all our residents there is a 9pm curfew on 10/30 & 10/31 for all persons under 18 years old within the Borough of Wanaque. ) -2 BASEBALL. Made up of both Wanaque (formerly Midvale) and Haskell. You can access the Dispatch area or call the Non-Emergency # 973-835-5600. CHAIR— Public Relations, Recreation, Liaison Wanaque Board of Education, Board of Health. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets 2023; Council Meeting Booklets 2022; BIDS & RFPS; Agendas & Minutes. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal BuildingBOROUGH OF WANAQUE • Tax Analysis And Review • Historical Data • Major Accomplishments • 2022 Budget. 01. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Deals with stray or unlicensed animals, nuisances, animal cruelty, rabies control, animal bits and animal quarantine. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Deals with stray or unlicensed animals, nuisances, animal cruelty, rabies control, animal bits and animal quarantine. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Please call 973-839-3000 x7120 or e-mail [email protected]. (no set appointment time is made) after inspection is completed, inspector will give person atNew Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. This page was kept going as a source. Wanaque is currently growing at a rate of 0. Flyer Information. The Fire Department whistle will sound. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. Planning Board Meeting Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM Planning Board Meetings will be held at the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey. Wanaque (pronounced WANNA-kyew) is a borough in Passaic County, New Jersey. Summer Hours through Labor Day for Borough Offices: MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8:00am – 4:30pm FRIDAYS: 8:00am – 1:00pm. Aside from plowing and sanding during snowstorms, this. m. Haskell, NJ 07420. Secretary Brenda Whitmore x7122. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Councilman Dominick Cortellessa. 004 Wanaque Sheet 3. Any taxes remaining unpaid by the 10th day of February, May, August and November are subject to interest and penalty. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. 004 Wanaque Sheet 3. Wanaque Sheet 1 Wanaque Sheet 4. The Police Department lobby is open to the public 24/7 for police matters. Borough Administrator Paul M. Welcome to the official website of the Borough of Wanaque, New Jersey, a residential suburban community located in Passaic County. WANAQUE BOROUGH TOWN PICNIC. Wanaque Key Map 1. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. The Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of all roads in the Borough, as well as all ball fields and parks. m. Highest salary at Borough of Wanaque in year 2021 was $219,344. Wanaque Index Sheet Wanaque Sheet 3. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal BuildingNavigation, primary. Official Website of Borough of Wanaque, New Jersey. Mayor & Council; Board of Adjustments; Planning Board;. 53% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 11,317 in 2020. They also do the mark-outs of the water and sewer lines for various reasons. **Please note that nothing can be reported as being missed until after 9 p. The Police Department lobby is open to the public 24/7 for police matters. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets. The Wanaque Historic Commission would like to decorate the New Town Hall and the Wanaque Library with pictures of “years gone by” in Wanaque (Midvale and Haskell). comWanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community. New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Free Community SHRED DAY Saturday July 24, 2021 9:00am-1:00pm Borough Hall LotWanaque Mayor and Council Meeting Monday, August 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM Meetings of the Wanaque Mayor and Council for the Calendar Year 2022 will be held at the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey. Erika Reid – 2,327. BOROUGH OF WANAQUE Regular Council Meeting . E mail at [email protected]. com. m. Plumbing Inspector – Alan Spinozzi. Affirmative Action Officer Nancy Di Bartolo 973A Ringwood Ave. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets 2023; Council Meeting Booklets 2022; BIDS & RFPS; Agendas & Minutes. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets 2023; Council Meeting Booklets 2022; BIDS & RFPS; Agendas & Minutes. Wanaque Borough; Wanaque / Haskell Education Foundation; Technology Helpdesk; Maintenance Helpdesk; School Performance Reports;. COUNTY OF PASSAIC STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Free service which allows you to look up Wanaque, NJ property tax assessment records for any property in Wanaque, NJ (Pg. Water. Deputy Court Administrator Veronica Melendez x7119. S. Wanaque Key Map 1. But we do not have a budget! Therefore, we are asking residents, current and past, to sponsor photos. Contracting Unit: Year Ending: The following is a complete list of all change orders which caused the originally awarded contract price to be exceeded by more than 20 percent. Mayor & Council;. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. 100th Anniversary Parade Video. Grass and leaves must be in garbage cans or paper, biodegradable bags. Building & Electrical Inspector – James Hoffmann. The Borough is separated into 3 zones for the purposes of water billing. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. By sharing the responsibility and making small, easy changes in our daily lives, we can keep common pollutants out of stormwater. Main Office (973) 839-3000 Email: [email protected]. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal BuildingWanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. , AND ITS REGULAR MEETING WILL FOLLOW AT 8:00 P. S. WANAQUE BOROUGH TOWN PICNIC September 23, 2023 National Night Out. Maximum of 32 Gallon Trash Cans or Outdoor L awn/leaf Bags are acceptable. 579 Ringwood Avenue Wanaque, NJ 07465 (973) 839-3000 (973) 839-4959 FAX Monday - Friday 8:30 a. The Borough Administrator serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Borough, and is responsible for day to day operations. The Police Department lobby is open to the public 24/7 for police matters. Navigation, footer. United States. You can access the Dispatch area or call the Non-Emergency # 973-835-5600. Each container/bag cannot weigh more than 50 lbs. Each zone is read at approximately the 15th of the month and the billing issued the 15th. Navigation, primary. Wanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Vital Statistics Registrar. 03. Home; About Us. Mayor & Council; Council Meeting Booklets 2023; Council Meeting Booklets 2022; BIDS & RFPS; Agendas & Minutes. 2023 Reorganization Meeting January 3, 2023 2023 Annual Schedule of Meetings of the Wanaque Mayor and Council WANAQUE — A proposed 21-unit apartment complex is expected to bring more development near the Interstate 287 interchange at Ringwood Avenue. Mayor & Council; Board of Adjustments; Planning Board;. MWanaque Public Library; Our Local Community; Newsletters; Photo Galleries. Home; About Us. E mail at [email protected]. Navigation, primary. The Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of all roads in the Borough, as well as all ball fields and parks. Carelli x7113. Search. Wall of Honor; Welcome Park & 9/11 Memorial; New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. New Municipal Building; Wanaque Historic Commission; Wanaque Parks; 100th Anniversary Parade Video; Community Calendar; Borough Schools; Site Map; Government. New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA)BOROUGH OF WANAQUE Municipal Building 579 Ringwood Avenue Wanaque, New Jersey 07465 (973) 839-3000 x 7100 Wanaque Historic Commission would like to decorate the New Town Hall and the Wanaque Library with pictures of “years gone by” in Wanaque (Midvale and Haskell). board of adjustment meeting wednesday, february 2, 2022 at 8:00 pm take notice that the wanaque board of adjustment meeting scheduled for wednesday, february 2, 2022, at 8pm will be a zoom video conference meeting. No Politics on this page.