Exhibit CERES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT version: June 28, 2006 Ceres, California revised: May 10, 2012 revised: December 10, 2015 revised: December 10, 2020. Argus Continuation High School – Endeavor Alternative Center. Visit the school (in-person) to obtain an enrollment packet and then return the completed packet to the school site main office by the specified due date;Parents/guardians complete the Interdistrict Request Form and return it to the Ceres Unified District Office. Ceres Unified School District APRIL MAY JUNE JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH OCTOBER SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER AUGUST First and Last Days of School. 819 SUNSET AVE. D. “I was a lost soul,” he said. Ben Harden, a former trustee of the Ceres Unified School District Board, has passed away. The Ceres Healthy Start Program is a school-based family resource center that comprehensively serves all students and families living within the attendance area of the Ceres Unified School District. Whitmore Charter School. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies,. Week of March 6-102023. Ceres, CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. D. CDS Code; 50-71043-0000000; District Type; Unified School District; Grade Span;Ceres Unified School District encourages parents, guardians, and members of the community to share their time, knowledge, and abilities to support our students and our schools. Please click HERE for mobile-friendly viewing. District: Ceres Unified List of active district's schools: CDS Code: 50 71043 0000000 District Address: 2503 Lawrence St. 4/5 Planning Day Jr. Definition of Terms 2020-2021 School Year Data. Shared on July 9, 2022 - Child Care Supervisor - Ceres, CA. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. 819 SUNSET AVE. Welsh and Davis were both given clocks and CUSD also. Ceres Unified Website; Stanislaus County Website; Local Control and Accountability Plan; Key Attributes. Aesop Substitute Finder. K-12 Dress Code. 2023. Ceres, CA 95307 Phone 209-556-1650 Stay Connected Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race,color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, parental, family, or. of. “It’s been more than a decade since we’ve had. Physical Activity Before and After School The District will provide information about physical education and other school-based physical activity opportunities before, during, and after the school day; and support parents’ efforts to provide their. Stay Connected . Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. The following individuals are new employees with CUSD: Thomas Cisneros De Angelo (Carroll Fowler Elementary), Gianna Guiles (Carroll Fowler), Gurpreet Kaur (Carroll Fowler),. Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. m. k12. Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender. Stay Connected . Ceres Unified School District APRIL MAY JUNE JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH OCTOBER SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER AUGUST First and Last Days of School. 209 556-1500 ext 1241. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. Ceres Unified School District APRIL MAY JUNE JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH OCTOBER SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER AUGUST First and Last Days of School Schools Closed/District Open Minimum Day - Junior High Parent/Teacher Conferences - Elementary Min. Between 5:30 a. Stay Connected . $186. Director, Division 3 . Or get help logging in. Caswell Dual Language Academy 1800 N. Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. Marilyn Croft. “We appreciate their devotion and loyalty to the district. Ceres Unified School District Live Feed Check out the new Carroll Fowler Elementary logo designed by Ceres High School students Pedro Diaz (pictured) and Kevin Bautista of Ms. Board Policy 5141. Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. Stay Connected . Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. Ceres Community Center, 2701 4th St. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. Superintendent. Mae Hensley Junior High. Ceres Unified School District is 67th out of 2,857 other school districts in People per household. Whitmore Charter High School will graduate its seniors at the. , Director of Personnel Services (209) 556-1510, Send Email. Download the Ceres Schools Attendance Boundary Map for Elementary, Junior High or High School. District admin log in. 209-556-1670. District Address. Stay Connected . Passarelli Jerry -- Turlock, CA. Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, parental, family, or marital status. 1. 209 556-1500 ext 1244. Wickham will assume the helm of the district, which has over 14,000. Hidahl Elementary 2351 E Redwood Rd. Step 2. Courier staff writer. A number of parents throughout Stanislaus County pulled their kids from public school on Wednesday in protest of Governor Gavin Newsom’s forthcoming mandate that children in middle school and older be vaccinated. 1 review of Ceres Unified School District "I have a grandson that has autism. Whitmore Charter School (K-8) 3435 Don Pedro Road Ceres, CA 95307 Phone 209-556-1610 Fax 209-538-7931. District Name: Ceres Unified schools for this district: NCES District ID: 0608130: State District ID: CA-5071043: Mailing Address: Po Box 307 Ceres, CA 95307-0307:. Log in with Google Log in with Active Directory Log in with Clever. ca. Stay Connected . Welcome to the Student Services/Wellness Department. Day End of Trimester - Elementary. Board Policy 5145. Ceres Unified School District, Ceres, California. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. m. Afternoon: 12:00pm to 3:15pm. Visit the school (in-person) to obtain an enrollment packet and then return the completed packet to the school site main office by the specified due date;Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. 3,878 likes · 635 talking about this. Ceres Unified School District is committed to developing partnerships with post-secondary education providers and local employers to successfully respond to the current demand for skilled labor in today’s workforce. 2555 LAWRENCE ST. Learn more about Ceres Unified School District here - find all of the schools in the district, student data, test scores, district budget and more. Ceres, CA 95307 Phone 209-556-1660 Fax 209-538-7346 Stay Connected Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race,color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, parental, family, or marital status. The 2019-20 school year starts a week from today –. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. 2503 Lawrence St. m. of. 4/5 Planning Day Jr. Ceres Unified School District is a public school district located in CERES, CA. Patricia Kay Beaver Leadership Magnet (K-8) 4927 Central Avenue Ceres, CA 95307 Phone 209-556-1730 Stay Connected Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race,color, national origin,. The Ceres School Board recognized Ceres Unified School District’s Classified and Confidential Employees of the Year during its Feb. Director, Division 4 . 9. Stay Connected . He was diagnosed early. CUSD does not impose, maintain, approve or implement student admission eligibility criteria or employment policies that discriminates on the basis of. Shared on April 13, 2019 - Preschool Teacher - Modesto, CA. Learn more about how these decisions are made. Asst. Stay Connected . Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY: The Ceres Unified School District is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. A dynamic system that provides reports about California’s schools and school districts. We also know all the triggers that are associated with a melt. infinite campus . Substitutes need to have paper and pencil ready to write down information regarding the assignment. 2023. Uncover why Ceres Unified School District is the best company for you. Stay Connected . 2904 6th Street Ceres, CA 95307. 17 and focused on what it would. Enrollment forms for these two schools may be obtained by visiting the Argus/Endeavor campus at 2555 Lawrence Street, Ceres, CA 95307 or by contacting the campus at 209-556-1800. Don Pedro Elementary 2300 E DON PEDRO RD Ceres, CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1630 Fax 209-538-2856 Stay Connected Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race,color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, parental, family, or marital status. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. Ceres Unified School District Board Policy School/Student Wellness WELLNESS PROGRAM. Ceres. The Ceres School Board unanimously approved three-year contract agreements last Thursday with current Ceres Unified School District administrators Amy Peterman and David Viss. Ceres, CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1640 Fax 209-538-7822 Stay Connected Ceres Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race,color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, parental, family, or marital status. “We’re very excited to be able to. It contains a wide variety of information including school performance indicators, student and staff demographics, expulsion, suspension, and. Soon, a new EDJOIN will be released with brand new features, including a personalized Resume Builder, Interests, Skills Search, and Suggested Jobs. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. Summer vacation officially comes to a close today for 13,910 students in the Ceres Unified School District who are back in the classroom. Having trouble? Contact [email protected]. Free breakfast and lunch. m. CUSD is committed to providing safe and inclusive learning environments. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. Find Us . Ceres Unified School District introduced 81 new employees to the Ceres School Board during the commendation portion of last Thursday’s virtual meeting. 8324 (TECH) [email protected] High School 2320 Central Ave. List of active district's schools. Superintendent. CERES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 2022-2023 Telephone Directory DO/Departments MIGRANT ED 1529 PERSONNEL SERVICES 556-1510 Fax 531 -9936 David Viss, Ed. (ceres Unified Sd)Ultimately, our function is to support the needs of the Ceres Unified School District students and do our part to fulfill the mission of Ceres Unified: Committed to Excellence, Responsive to Every Student. Average revenue per student. "I'm so appreciative of their support and kindness," Hanline said. Ceres Unified School District had more than 100 employees reach milestones this year. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. It is the intent of the SST to act as a resource when intervention assistance is sought. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. Source: CCD Public school district data for the 2021-2022 school year. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500 Stay Connected Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting. Published: Aug 10, 2022, 11:04 AM. 17. Language:Ceres Unified School District 2503 Lawrence St. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. and 9:00 a. Parent Resources . Ceres, California CA 95307 Phone: 209-556-1500. 6% from state sources, and 8. Mae Hensley Junior High 1806 Moffett Rd. COVID-19 Dashboard. Source: CCD Public school district data for the 2021-2022 school year. Department. of the CUSD District-wide effort to send 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders on perform-ing arts field trips ($29,605 granted); support for Sober Grad night event activities ($13,000 granted); funding for library books ($30,000 provided); support for. Volunteers/ Work Permits. S. School started for 14,179 students in the Ceres Unified School District on Wednesday and it was apparent that some were feeling anxious since some had not attended in-person class since March 2020. Sam Vaughn Elementary 3618 Helen Perry Rd. 3 million renovation. Eduardo Garcia. The Ceres Unified School District’s elementary physical education program provides standards based physical fitness instruction to kindergarten through sixth grade students. Local Control and Accountability Plans | Board Meeting Agendas | CUSD Policies, Statewide Resources, and CA Civil Rights Posters. Students who are not enrolled in a CUSD LCAP school by the end of the 2022-2023 school year, will. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published its updated recommendations for K-12. 4/5 Planning Day Jr.