Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. ‘Xanadu!’. Talkgroups Active in. Status. 2. . Log In. Sign Up; Log In; Messenger; Facebook Lite; Video; Places; Games; Marketplace;Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Forgot account? or. Cortland County Scanner Freaks's Video. Male slumped over steering wheel. Yesterday at 12:59 PM · Police responding to a bomb threat at 14 Clinton Ave, Kinney Drugs. Create new account. orCortland County Scanner Freaks Yesterday at 10:38 AM Police responding to 79 Main St. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Benefit for Sergeant David Tobias A member of the Cortland County Sheriff's Office, Sgt. Female operator is out of the vehicle , but unknown injuries at this time Second Activation - Marathon and Cincinnatus Monitors RT 41. Yesterday at 2:57 PM. Yesterday at 5:18 PM. Recent Post by Page. Not now. 80 year old male taken to the hospital , tested positive for covid a week ago , hot to the touch , on c-pap . Caller states hot water spraying a. Cortland stations hazardous condition 76 Clinton Ave apt 4. Cortland County Scanner Freaks Today at 8:06 AM ⚠️ ⚠️ speed limit change ⚠️ ⚠️ From Riverside bridge To. From our friends over at News reporter Brandon. bunch of clothes and took off in a Blue Chevrolet Colorado. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. October 4 at 4:45 PM. Suspect vehicle last seen heading down 281. RT11 SHUTDOWN, no traffic allowed at this time. This feed is the Cortland County Land Mobile Radio P25 Network with all available talkgroups listed below. 6189 Country Ln town of Scott. Penguin Trailer Park , Originally reported as a full arrest . See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. November 11 at 1:35 PM. Log In. Cortlandville monitors 1039 Rt 13. See more. Forgot account? or. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Create new account. Create new account. On. Not now. s for male that fell off bicycle hitting his head and not alert. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. . Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Recent Post by Page. Burns, age 64 of Cortland County, was found dead at the scene. . Not now. Today at 4:56 PM. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County: Preble, Homer, Cortlandville, Cuyler, McGraw, and Truxton are on scene . s for male that fell off bicycle hitting his head and not alert. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County Scanner Freaks Today at 12:27 PM Exit 12 Northbound ramp caller states he did major damage to his car by striking some type of concrete on the road. Caller states female is trying to get into the building, but the male won’t allow her to. TLC staging 26 West Center St village of McGraw. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Recent Post by Page. Cortland County Scanner Freaks - FacebookCortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Male caller states female having trouble breathing after disturbance. Cortland County Scanner Freaks Today at 10:09 AM Marathon ambulance 1472 tuller hill road for a possible unattended a. Female on ground screaming. Yesterday at 10:17 AM. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Log In. Now he is back arguing with the woman . . Log In. Female on ground screaming. . Cortland County Scanner Freaks. September 5 at 4:46 PM. Intersection of Frank and Squires. November 1 at 5:54 PM. Otisco - Barn fire at corner of Route 80 and Kingsley. Unable to make contact with mobile crisis. states older white teenager with blonde hair argued about wrong order and jumped over the counter and was restrained by manager. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. July 10, 2023. Please avoid the area for your safety . Sounds like there is a group of people , Narcan was given prior to police arrival , but no full arrest at that time . Recent Post by Page. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Not now. July 26 at 5:51 PM. Cortland stations 25 South Franklin DPW for pile of mulch smoking no flames present. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Scanner Frequencies for NULL Cortland county NY US. Forgot account? or. different and cool looking!See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Create new account. ll over basement unsure if pipe burst over what the issue is. 76 Lincoln Ave , Male threatening to hurt himself . Create new account. 2 girls one guy. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Forgot account? or. . Richmond Hill area , Truxton / Cuyler monitors . City side of Port Watson St bridge seatbelt inspection setup. Cortland County Scanner Freaks September 12 at 4:09 PM Cortland stations 20 Wheeler Ave. Police responding to the area of Clayton and Pleasant St for beer party with lots of swearing. ll over basement unsure if pipe burst over what the issue is. Cortland County Scanner Freaks Yesterday at 4:09 PM Cortland stations 20 Wheeler Ave. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Forgot account? or. Female caller states there's a shopping cart in her front yard and wants it removed. Also 44 port Watson a plus for a male caller stating he's being followed by someone in a cubed car fat shorts with a stain last seen on central Ave. R is there destroying the decorations in the yard . of idiots here from out of state for graduation. He got out and hit her , took off. Caller states smoke coming from 2nd floor. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Forgot account? or. A. Cortland County Fire and EMS. Male and Female grabbed a. September 27, 2021 · In the area of Woodruff Street , Report of a male and female fighting . 2 IV Narcans administered, with an additional 12 nasal Narcans administered. Recent Post by Page. Forgot account? or. different and cool looking!Cortland County Scanner Freaks. 31 year old female injured back after son jumped on her off of couch. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. August 28 at 7:24 AM. Not every scanner / Police call is posted , but we try our Cortland County Scanner FreaksThe story could be taken from the pages of recent news: a baker who doesn’t want to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. June 15, 2022. or. Yesterday at 8:46 AM. Yesterday at 4:45 PM. Not every scanner / Police call is posted , but we try ourSee more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Create new account. Clarks Corners Road , Near RT 221, Personal Motor vehicle accident . Cortland County Scanner Freaks January 22 at 4:45 PM Cortland stations TLC ambulance 400 Jefferson Rd Jefferson apartment. Police heading back to Cortland motel. Yesterday at 5:34 PM. Not now. Forgot account? or. Not now. Log In. Related information for Cortland County. July 25, 2021 ·. bunch of clothes and took off in a Blue Chevrolet Colorado. Log In. . Not now. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Vehicle struck carport. 2 cans of narcan administered. September 3 at 7:59 AM. 10,277 पसंद · 1,855 इस बारे में बात कर रहे हैं. Create new account. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. August 30, 2021 · Greek Peek Area . Police responding to Price Chopper for theft of grocery carts and items. lso Lowe's for a larceny male in his 20's and female in her 30's in a ford f150 See moreSee more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Recent Post by Page. Cortland County Scanner Freaks · August 11, 2021 · August 11, 2021 ·Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Today at 7:45 AM. November 30, 2020 · Cortland station 17 central Ave Central city bar for unknown medical alarm. The first-ever Cortland Community Pride Festival was held over the weekend at Courthouse Park in the city of Cortland. . Supporters and protestors speak on Cortland’s first-ever pride festival. Cortland County Scanner Freaks August 3 at 5:32 PM So as I was driving home a Cortland county sheriff passed me in a dodge Durango srt4 . Not now. Cortland County Scanner Freaks. Power outages reported in some areas in the city of Cortland. Not now. Preble - Little York Lake Crossing Road - 76 year. Vehicle currently being chased , Refusing to stop. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Forgot account? or. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Yesterday at 8:32 AM. Cortland County Public Safety Trunking System Profile. Log In. Sign Up; Log In; Messenger; Facebook Lite; Video; Places; Games; Marketplace; Meta Pay;See more of Cortland County Scanner Freaks on Facebook. Forgot account? or.