WARNING: Extreme graphic violence. Makes me want to see random things spin . But the video is a just a clip really isn’t it. The shooting of a drug dealer. How? So keep in. Funky Town Victim. The killers scalped and skinned their face. com)Licensed under Creative Co. Edit: my numbers were off. The US illegal drug market is a 68 BILLION dollar market. About FunkyTown is a 2 minutes and 50 seconds long video of an unknown man being savagely tortured in a white-tiled, mostly empty room, while music plays in the background, including the song Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns n' Roses. Funkytown simply means "going to 'town' on some cocaine". It's also a song used in Shrek, which is undoubtedly the greatest movie of all time. Murder is murder call it what it is not 3 guys one hammer. Filleted that dude. Burned the face. I’m going to post a cute puppy picture and then describe the video. 09. Brick fall off a truck and sold through the windscreen. The poor man was stabbed through the face with a steel bar. En el. Flores had been accompanying Chapo’s top enforcer Ivan “El Cholo” Gastellum when the Mexican military went after them. 2. there is blood. xavier LORD SNOT. Wacky Sidekick. You white people owned slaves but yet you wouldn’t call yourselves an animal open you’re eyes your just as bad. A collection of pictures and videos that show the death and destruction caused by natural disasters and extreme weather events. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. . A Young Man Was Shot In Both Arms And Leg 6 000 6 1. yuka takaoka, ”the real life yandere” after attempting to murder her crush. 1. Seriously, don’t read the res. 1. Discover videos related to funkytown gore on TikTok. 24 375 38 1 Dude Was Shot And Started Dismembering 12 503 14 0 Night Murder In The Favelas 6 983 6 1 Cartel Member Dismembered And Scattered Body Parts Across The. Cartel. Weirdly the hardest part for me to watch was when the threw the dads head at the son 😣. The funky nickname grew in popularity in the 80s, when Lipps Inc. The shooting of a drug dealer. , 9,210,374 Shazams, featuring on Disco Essentials, and ’70s Dance Party Essentials Apple Music playlists. 2 957 10 1. #CoasterPrime #Reaction 4/5 Rating. Aftermath Cringe Murder Murder Videos Torture WTF. Rivers of Babylon. yourboysnakee • 1 yr. As with anything else in life you do over & over again daily it becomes normal to you. When we made this reaction, it was s. Brazilian man’s head crushed by truck. Bullet Came Out. Sep 16, 2020 #2 so fucked up . ago. . 10,989. "El. ago Its a really disturbing video of these cartel members torturing a rival member by cutting his face off beheading him and all that while hes still alive and trying to scream. It is widely. . More: Austin couple stages murder-themed engagement shoot in Zilker Park. And 50 secs. After the fragmentation of the Zetas in 2015 with the capture of their last leader Omar Treviño Morales on Z-42, several groups emerged in the different area. . "Funkytown Gore" es un video de Shock que apareció en línea en 2016, subido a la plataforma documentingreality. Members of a Mexican drug cartel torture a man on it in an inhuman way. Killpop582014. 2 957 10 1. Technical_Fox_8660 • 2 yr. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everyth…Man skinned alive. A collection of pictures and videos that show the death and destruction caused by natural disasters and extreme weather events. A songwriter and producer named Steven Greenburg wrote the song when he became bored with Minneapolis and wanted to move to New York, which he called "Funkytown. Man skinned alive. 28. & desensitizing murder/dismemberment to create deadly sicarios. They are both horrible. His face being mutilated reminds me of what Hannibal Lector did to Mason Verger because he was a child molester. People speculate that it was Julio César. Russian victims of the White Finns in Annenkrone Fortress. 04. Then newspapers published photos of the body | CNN A 25-year-old woman was brutally murdered and skinned in Mexico. 6k 111 Murder Gun 15 In this video I talk about what I seen in this intense video I watched. In this video I talk about what I seen in this intense video I watched. 9K 326K views 1 year ago Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in. And while videos of bejeweled guns and decked-out cars have been circulating on Instagram and Facebook for years, TikTok has. 98. If you Google for "funkytown murder" you can quickly find it on the links Reply guineapigoverlord69 •. plus-circle Add Review. This seems like a very personal torture/murder. this person has had their hands traumatically amputated, and their wrist stumps are bound like w wire or zip ties. Released on: 1979-11-01Producer: Steven. . Took off his face. The woman's hands, head and legs were chopped off. 5 People Decapitated In 20 Seconds 32 462 63 0. Execution. a group of men cut off both of a guys wrists and flay off his face, prop his jaw open with a stick, and are continuously slashing at his throat with a box cutter or some other blade. There is a video I saw back in the day called "The Crazy Blonde" (it goes by other titles as well) where a cartel member peels the face off of a man (who isn't moving/maybe dead already) with a box cutter. Whip on the soles. Read Article. The name was given because the song "Funkytown" is audibly heard in the final 10 seconds of the gory clip. 96 67 67 comments Add a Comment JoeTheHispanicCholo • 3 yr. Joel Michael Guy Jr Homicides 2016. Funkytown while a bit shocking, the other cartel video floating around at the time was insane. GoreSee is a hub for gore videos. While you try to scream. Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me. . I don't fucking know how people can do this and go to bed at night. The video was VERY graphic but our reaction was just priceless. Home Murder Murder Recent Announcement! We are launching a brand new website where you can submit your videos! GoreSee. Bodycam. GoreSee is a hub for gore videos. com 81k 557 Aftermath Cringe Murder Murder Videos Torture WTF 98 Face stabbed and eye gored 44. net on February 14, 2021. Drake leaves his New York City hotel in a rottweiler mask. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. I remember I’ve seen a documentary about Hood. The time spent on death row permanently damaged damiens eyesight. Original. 3 950 4 3. Be a man leave the screen and the internet for a bit you need rehab seriously. Funky Town: 70's Disco Classics · 2006. His hands have been severed at the stumps, but the anguish is so great that he needs to be held down with the help of a couple of men in addition to the tying. they are conscious and screaming/gurgling and writhing in agony on the floor while 2 or 3 people torment him. Gabe326 • 1 yr. Just a thought. Funky Town Cartel Gore video is a shocking 2 mins. Shit was dead wrong, robin' candy from a baby. You are over 18 years old Random gore Colombia . This gore video was filmed by either a Mexican street gang or a Mexican drug cartel, as per Screamer. I will warn you again, your life is better not knowing the details. Shrek 2℗ 1979 UMG Recordings, Inc. . That is subjective. In one of 12 “kitchens” recently discovered by families in northern Veracruz, volunteers and forensic examiners in white protective suits and face masks use sieves to search for fragments of. But, rapping with your vegetables? The customers watching 16-year-old Nile Greenberg. Night Murder In The Favelas 7 006 6 1. They injected adrenaline into his blood so that he would not lose consciousness and experience all the pain. it has been flayed off. Compilation of random decomposing corpses – 2023. Shot In The Throat With A Shotgun. The Management . Most versions start after that. Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupFunkytown · Lipps Inc. There is no such thing as a "good first gore video" I'd just scroll through this sub and look at medical gore and accidents as those are pretty handable. 23. Man with a knife in his chest. . [deleted] • 5 yr. The cartel video known as “No Mercy” is considered one of the most graphic gore videos online. We are launching a brand new website where you can submit your videos! GoreSee. The satanic panic is the modern iteration of this, and of you can believe it, involved innocent people being arrested, punished and set for execution, for not much other then being. nah, fish spinning. Funkytown: Directed by Steven Greenberg. Lipps Inc. For me it's not the image, its the noise, I could watch funky town, no mercy in. Haiti. beheaded beheading bestgore brazil chopped deadmale decapitated dismembered execution gang gorevideo limbs severedfoot. Funkytown℗ 1979 The Island Def Jam Music GroupReleased on: 2003-01-01Producer: Steven Green. His body was severely damaged after a car accident. 93,207 Views • October 14 2020. The last song on Gangsta Blac's Can It Be Album). It shows the brutal execution of both a father and son. com, que nos muestra la cruel tortura a un joven por parte de un cartel del narcotráfico mexicano. 00:05:48 - Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. ’s “Funkytown” topped the charts. This video was first published in 2018. Reactions: Buttfucker 3000. Album: Funkytown ( 1980) Charted: 2 1. com 81k 557 Aftermath Cringe Murder Murder Videos Torture WTF 98 Face stabbed and eye gored 44. The police. The aftermath of the murder revealed that Los Zetas has established surveillance operations over the bus station in Nuevo Laredo. ago Just watched it, and I was pretty surprised that the guy stayed conscious and screaming during the whole torture. Your query will be matched against video names or descriptions, channel names. ’s “Funkytown” topped the charts. MEXICO Funky Town, sometimes spelled as funkytown, is a very famous gore video that is circulating on the internet. Tifa Winters. People say this is the second funky town video because the house they're in looks similar. 169 views. It put me in a dark, saddened mood. Then when you see the person separated head and the look in their eyes that's what you don't forget. They had a buyer. on April 4, 2021. Maybe They Were. The cowards in the vidio have taken someone purely cos he s alone. By 2011, the. funky town gore' audio. 17 967 21 1 Cartel Members Roast Severed Heads Of Rivals 10 538 8 2 Punishment In The Cartel - A Man Had Part Of His Ear Cut Off 10 137 13 0 A Couple Of Dismembered Bodies Were Found On The Road 7 889 11 0 The Cartel Has Left A Scary Reminder Of Itself 10 353 10 0 Group Members Torture Female In The Favela 53 557 52 4 G Gore (2 C, 192 P) Z Zoosadism (23 P) Pages in category "Graphic content" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 264 total. "Martian Cowboy" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 0:00 / 13:22 • Intro Funkytown Killers Have Another Video? | Dismemberment In Cartel Killing Room Disturbed Reality 357K subscribers Join Subscribe 17K 684K views 1 year ago Funkytown over. 2020. Kiwis will be able to take a walk down. One student, Julio César Mondragón, was found dead the next morning with his eyes gouged out and the skin flayed from his face, leaving only a bare skull. (pronounced "Lip Synch") was formed especially for this song. Stop reading here if you are squeamish. skorpion1298 • 8 mo. Privacy Public Category Cartel Language Spanish Tags Cartel Execution Mexico Duration 2min 48sec SORT BY Yea, it’s 2021 and people are sick of race baiting morons like you. 28. ago. What are the worst cartel videos that you have seen?. ago. Sharing of these videos serv. During the video, they cut his throat with a box knife. "That's OK, you don't have to be a good dancer for Funky Town--it's more for the. The Chainsaw Cartel Murder - The Chilling Case of Barnabas Gamez Castro & Felix Gamez Garcia. Reality is scarier than fiction. . The Chilling Case of Leocer Jose Lugo Maiz (19) -. Funky Town (cartel flaying+torturing) Chechclear. Hogmann. Specific-Let2728 • 2 yr. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. 09. It is a horrible video with origin in Mexico. Supplied UK rockers Simple Minds, known for their 80s hit Don’t You (Forget About Me), will be headlining the music festival when it arrives in late January. HD 00:30.