The United States of America has a population density of 36/km², which is quite low considering the U. 82: Land area in square miles, 2010: 0. Value NotesThis map shows the population density—expressed as persons per square mile—from the 2020 Census at the state, county, and census tract levels. 04: Land area in square miles, 2010: 6. District of Columbia. 6: 87. 80: FIPS Code: 42013: About datasets used in this table. Florida - 423 people per square. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 105. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. Population per square mile, 2020: 901. 1%. S. 36: Land area in square miles, 2010: 134. Of the 50 U. United States. Therefore, the population density is 291 people per square mile. 71: Land area in square miles, 2010: 273. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 57. Economic Census data (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories Value Flags-Either no or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 69. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 622. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 30: About datasets used in this table. Population per square mile, 2020: 369. Economic Census data (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories Value Flags-Either no or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians. Value NotesFor men, the median age was 38 and for women it was 40. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 96. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 61. (2001) 156,061; (2011) 183,631. Value Notes50. 10,984. Selectable Not. 5%, from around 183,600 in 2011 to 215,700 in 2021. 91: Land area in square miles, 2010: 46. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 48: 1: About datasets used in this table. 1% higher than the average population growth rate in Peterborough for the ten years prior to mid-2021 (1. (February 2022) Population tables of U. 1. 6 square miles (356. 5 square miles (58. Population per square mile, 2010: 5. According to the 2020 Census, the population of Pennsylvania is 13,002,700 and the number of square miles of land in Pennsylvania is 44,742. • At least one high-density nucleus of at least 1,275 housing units per square mile required forPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 184. 6%. Population per square mile, 2010-----Populations below 5,000 are not in QuickFacts and therefore Not Selectable. 2: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 41039: About datasets used in this table. Census Bureau, Census of Population and. 7: Land area in square miles, 2020: 998. 6%: Total accommodation and food services sales, 2017 ($1,000) 60,902: Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000) 141,253Population per square mile, 2010: 271. Country Population Land area (sq mi) Density per sq mi Country Population Land area (sq mi) Density per sq mi; Macau S. 59: FIPS Code: 0647766: About datasets used in this table. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 87. 94: FIPS Code: 27029: About datasets used in this table. 07: Land area in square miles, 2010: 25. 3: 87. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 46: 1: About datasets used in this table. 36: Land area in square miles, 2010: 378. 07: Land area in square miles, 2010: 11. 3. 66: FIPS Code: 1264825: About datasets used in this table. 8%. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 13. This ranks it 13th in the US in population density. 9: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 42: About datasets used in this table. 2: Population per square mile, 2010: 94. Population per square mile, 2020: 185. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 87. , population density is typically expressed as the number of people per square mile of land area. 87: Land area in square miles, 2010: 28. Total time =10 years. 1. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021 73. Value Notes. states, New Hampshire is the fifth smallest by area and the tenth least populous, with a population. Persons per household, 2017-2021. 38: Land area in square miles, 2010: 249. 05: FIPS Code: 11: About datasets used in this table. S. Economic Census data (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories Value Flags-Either no or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians. S. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: 249. Population per square mile, 2020: 22. 37: FIPS Code: 0681554: About datasets used in this table. The average household income in . 01: FIPS Code: 3400372360: About datasets used in this table. S. Value NotesIncorporated places with a density of over 10,000 people per square mile. 99: FIPS Code: 2371990: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesThe report says that the highest population density is in the countries of Manilla and Philippines. 38 per square mile (0. 78: Land area in square miles, 2010: 475. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 8. Rhode Island - 1,055 people per square mile. Population per square mile, 2010: 653. 66: Land area in square miles, 2010: 1. 25: Land area in square miles, 2010: 14. Population per square mile, 2020: 63. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 5. S. 3: Land area in square miles, 2020: 544. Population per square mile, 2020: 744. 04% annually and its population has decreased by-3. 9: Population per square mile, 2010: 101. 9 people per square mile. The population density of these states has exceeded the number 107,000 per square mile. Note: Population density is a measure of the average population per square mile of land. , measured as the number of people per square mile, affects the way goods and people are transported. the city has a total area of 137. California has the highest population in. 79: FIPS Code: 0653000: About datasets used in this table. 08k 2. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 27: About datasets used in this table. 9: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 41: About datasets used in this table. 6: Population per square mile, 2010: 153. 49: Land area in square miles, 2010: 468. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 1: About datasets used in this table. 41: FIPS Code: 26037: About datasets used in this table. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. he US Census found at the population per square mile in the state rose from 128. 22. Peterborough's population growth rate between mid-2020 and mid-2021 was 6. 337,361. Computer and Internet Use. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 83. Census Bureau and is from the 2020. 85. 52: FIPS Code: 1571550: About datasets used in this table. 6%. Value NotesFact Notes (a) Includes persons reporting only one race (c) Economic Census - Puerto Rico data are not comparable to U. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 25: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 93. What is the interquartile range? 1,19,35,43,49. These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. Population density is an often reported and commonly compared statistic for places around the world. 6 people per occupied housing unit. Census Bureau, data file from Geography Division based on the TIGER/Geographic Identification Code Scheme (TIGER/GICS) computer file. 59: Land area in square miles, 2010: 34. Census. 97: FIPS Code: 2743000: About datasets used in this table. 1 Includes data not distributed by county. Population per square mile, 2010: 133. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 30: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 29. Population per square mile, 2020: 253. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 15. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 114. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 1. 53: FIPS Code: 37175: About datasets used in this table. Los Angeles is. This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen. Area 132 square miles (343 square km). S. 1 Nationwide land area extremes. Computer and Internet Use. 9: 87. 2: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 06099: About datasets used in this table. Population density in the U. Computer and Internet Use. 2. 3. 0032:Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 3. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 738. The population growth is 6. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 74. 93: FIPS Code: 3702140: About datasets used in this table. 05k 7. 64: FIPS Code: 3651000: About datasets used in this table. Florida was the 27th state to be admitted to the Union in 1845. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 47. 67: FIPS Code: 0644000: About datasets used in this table. 2 km 2), of which 22. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 1Land area, population, and population density vary widely between states across the country. 16: Land area in square miles, 2010: 9. 66: FIPS Code: 4228960: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 48. In 1911, the median age was 25. Value NotesLos Angeles is currently declining at a rate of -1. 701 people live in every square mile, that’s 270 people per square kilometre. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 22. Value NotesIt occupies an area of 1,076,395 square km, making it Canada’s fourth most extensive province. It is the most densely populated and southernmost region in Canada, with approximately 13. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 581. • Est. Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 469. Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021. 02k 8. Population: count of all residents of the given entity at the time of the. Value NotesNew Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States. 2. Population per square mile, 2010: 6. 453,125: 6: 73,350: Macedonia: 2,050,554: 9,928: 207:Population per square mile, 2020: 636. In terms of population, it ranks 21st. Value Notes1 Includes the resident population of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, as ascertained by the Decennial Census. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 412. 79: Land area in square miles, 2010: 412. Virginia has 11 Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 12. 2. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 26. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. 99: Land area in square miles, 2010: 68. Value NotesAt least 1,000 people per square mile Place population in urban fringe At least 2,500 people; CDPs if at least 10,000 people (except New England) Other features • MCDs in New England, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania with at least 25,000 inhabitants or a population density of at least 1,500 people per square mile and a minimumIn the U. Population per square mile, 2010: 147. 05: FIPS Code: 13027: About datasets used in this table. 3 during the last 10 years. cities Cities Population Area Density Ethnic identity Foreign-born Income Spanish speakers By decade Urban areas Populous cities and metropolitan. In total, the islands make up 10,931 square miles (28,311 square kilometers) in surface area, which makes its density 222.