Swgoh proving grounds phoenix counter. Contents June 29, 2022 7:25PM Jml , jkl, gmy, hyoda, revan. Swgoh proving grounds phoenix counter

 Contents June 29, 2022 7:25PM Jml , jkl, gmy, hyoda, revanSwgoh proving grounds phoenix counter

85 57 % Barriss Offee Speed. . . 6K views 3 months ago Welcome back to another video, today I will be showing you how to 3. Key squad characters: Sith Eternal Emperor (SEE), Wat Tambor, Darth Traya. Weird. This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter. April 12, 2021 8:01PM. I use Wedge, Biggs, Leia, R2, and you can add pretty much anyone else. 0. GG GAC Counters (3v3) Ship Counters GAC Insight Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Characters Filters Phoenix Light Side · Support · Clone Trooper · Rebel · Support · Phoenix · Rebel Fighter Captain Rex A former Captain of the 501st Clone Battalion and veteran Support of countless conflicts Power 36723 · Health 41,871 · Speed 173 Want To Support AP? Join Patreon!The Discord!Vite Ramen Using This Code! SWGoH Proving Grounds: CLS for Easy Tier 1 Win. Furthermore, the lack of aoe feels crippling. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Darth Malgus - Who To Attack Based on 2,605 battles analyzed during GAC Season 40. 3. Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new mode called “Proving Grounds. 1. Their hardest counter is GK+zBarris. ago. . Your arena team of SLKR, Revan, Dooku, Badstill and Malak makes no sense. 89 % Sith Eternal Emperor Speed: 468. the second strategy is actually the one I like the best and it is to use the square (x3 or x2) triangle attack to do the handstand rotor or the windmill to knock them down all while keeping your distance. 340,717 Battles. Share news, tips, tricks and connect with other players in the forums!It’s quite literally finishing Galactic Conquest (hard mode) 3 times (and buying the shards in conquest). Order-66Survivor • 2 min. The fight against Maul and his Mandos only took two tries aswell. UPDATE: We have gone and fixed the above issue. Captain Rex. I can do CAT and BSOJ pretty easily but. See my other 5v5 Counters - me on Patreon - me on Discord - GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Meta Squads Based on 1,906,415 GAC Battles analyzed this season. DBofficial125 • 5 yr. Depending on the team you're going up against, armorer might either not be able to give SEE beskar and even with max beskar there's still no debuff dispell. (battling phoenix) Padme/GK/JKA/Snips/3PO GAS+501st (can use snips instead of arc). Tried with non gl teams like imps, sith empire, rebel, couldn't get far. Check out Lothal Proving Grounds Roster and accomplishments on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Reduce this ability's cooldown by 4. Thaaaank yooooou!! Handy list that shows all the shards and when they release and should accelerate including conquest toons. Thx for the tips. #swgoh #provinggrounds #rosterreview Up Next. 8th February 2022Boba Fett Scion of Jango - Proving Grounds - SWGoHTimestampsIntro 0:00Successful attempts 0:42Subscribe 8:08Failed Attempts 8:23Outro 10:37M. Yo this event is hard manI planned to make this a video while top swgoh creators couldn’t but then the event was bugged so lol. The refresh cost really isn't the big problem with proving grounds as a. Refreshes cost 2200 crystals and can be done twice. Not only can these characters beat almost anything on Attack in Grand Arena, but Han and Chewie pilot the most dominant ship in the game (for now) and need to be in tip-top shape for Han’s Millennium Falcon to operate at a high level. Snap. Datacrons Data Disks Galactic Challenges Gear Raids Scavenger Relics Shard Shipments Events Quests Light Side Battles Dark Side Battles Squad Cantina Battles Fleet Battles Mod Battles. It is separate from the standard proving grounds. The kill order is generally chopper, ezra, whatever, but that can change if the uniques cause issues. Proving Grounds is a goddamn joke Feedback / Suggestion A 24 hour event that consists of 2 battles that you can refresh (maximum twice) for the low, low cost of 2200 crystals each? What the hell took them a year to make? 360Upvotes permalink reddit 90% Upvoted Confidence Top New Controversial Old → 138 AhnaldT101 Published on 2022-04-14 15:21:03 About : A new game mode called "Proving Grounds" is coming to Galaxy of Heroes! Join the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! - Support the Music Artists Biggs Darklighter's X-wing. PLAY PROVING GROUNDS NOW TO GET COMMANDER TANO SHARDS! Hurry, Before It Is Patched! PSA!! PLAY PROVING GROUNDS NOW TO GET COMMANDER TANO SHARDS! Hurry, Before It Is Patched!. 5 2. Phoenix squad is quite a popular team among new players and you will encounter lots of these squads in the arena. 0 . this was extremely easy compared to the other proving grounds events. Find a nest node and cheese it so you extend the battle for the whole five minutes while you keep doing zebs special that gives tenacity up. The less popular one, but worked for me was JKL lead, JMK, regular. Rey is my best bet, but other than Hera & Sabine, Rey's mass swing and ultimate attack aren't. GAC S eason 24 - 5v5. Planning to use them for both thrawn and emperor's 6* unlock and higher. Optimal squad to develop if you're still looking to beat both tiers of the Proving Grounds event, Give my perspective on the gating of proving grounds and why I'm not upset about it,. Light Side · Support · Rebel · Rogue One · Support. 1. . EASY TIE Interceptor Proving Grounds Guaranteed Win Strategy! WTF is THIS EVENT!? EASY TIE Interceptor Proving Grounds Guaranteed Win Strategy!. Previous proving grounds took me 3 or 4 attempts to get it correct. Watch on. ultron-_ • 3 mo. Did it first go for three stars. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5; Season 39 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen You can click units to filter squads by that unit. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. April 15, 2023 3:22PM. Deal Physical damage to target enemy. The Interceptor node seems out of my reach (as I don't have Cholo and my CLS team can't seem to get. ”. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. Based on 31,700 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. SWGOH - Darth Malgus Proving Grounds AND ROSTER REVIEWS!!! SWGOH - Darth Malgus Proving Grounds AND ROSTER REVIEWS!!!. r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes. . You should get way more shards than a measly 20. Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian Kiaowe •. Kill adds if you can, but if you can wipe Rey before adds with no downside, then do so. Kenobi and Fives soaked up damage, Revan was able to swap turn meter with Anakin (took a few tries because they knock him down quickly), and Shaak cleared taunts and debuffs and restored enough. someone needs to do a counter for Capital Games as well. dogwelder79. I’d suggest a kill order of Hera, Chopper, Ezra, Kanan, Zeb. and you can only do t1 of the ns/phoenix event (secrets and shadows), t2 if you have the patience to repeat the 8 waves a few times (and give them top mods). 47718. Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330. The Playbook. 16208 views. With all of these 330 shard pull posts; if you didn't already have the character at max stars, yes, it is a good pull. I'd be in favor of feeding it to the Rancor please. Seperatists, Empire, Jedi (Bastila lead), Commander Luke Skywalker and First Order all counter Phoenix easily. Phoenix Counter Welok - 43,961 Power; 1. New Game Mode "Proving Grounds" Coming To SWGOH! New Game Mode "Proving Grounds" Coming To SWGOH! Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Void can interrupt Icarus Dive. CG is to inconsistent to be trusted and they never. October 15, 2022 2:53PM. About : Want To Support AP? Join Patreon!. . While doable, the easier team was EP lead with a SE team surrounding him. Swgoh. GAS vs Malgus, Raddus vs GI, Omi Zorii vs Hondo, Executrix vs Executor + More! 5v5 Counter Testing. 5v5 GAC. ” This mode will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter. 3v3 Counters Season 41. . - 12 Stacks: This ability deals 30% more damage, inflicts Tenacity Down and Potency Down for 2 turns. Paynerz. While in Territory Wars: Phoenix allies have +30% counter chance, +50% Max Health, and +30. . Proving Grounds, Past Conquest Characters Event in SWGoH Proving Grounds COMING SOON Last: 2022-11-14 - 239 day (s) ago Reward: Past Conquest Characters Event Type: Conquest Trials Requirements - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained 0:00 / 1:08 HOW TO 3 STAR THE MAUL MISSION! II Proving Grounds Glurmit 1. Razor Crest Proving Grounds. . SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Hera Syndulla Counters Based on 89 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. COMING SOON Last: 2022-11-14 Pieces & Plans Mythic. PROVING GROUNDS. I can do it (after many attempts) with Jabba lead, Krrsantan, Beskar Mando, and two others (Wat and Hondo, but they didn't contribute much). . Membership - Review signups only available on Discord – link in description. 3%Best. If you're looking to chat about events, rumors, and SWGoH - join our Discord. Conquest (and linked proving ground), Territory Wars, Territory Battles, and GAC are now on a 28 day cycle. All Ewoks and Phoenix squad members of this. So if you're willing to drop 4400 crystals each month. See my other 5v5 Counters - me on Patreon - me on Discord - GAC Counters - Season 35 (3v3) Based on 450,370 battles analyzed during GAC Season 35. This ship replaces Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca, who moves to Cantina 5-E alongside Veteran Smuggler Han Solo; TIE Dagger's shards are now farmable from Light Side 9-D (Hard). No, I don't have Traya and Malak. It’s clear CG wants the proving grounds requirements to mirror hard mode requirements, so keeping with that my idea would be instead of 4 mil GP, make it max crate on normal. SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 21 (5v5) 397,053 battles analyzed during GAC Season 21. APGAINS. GAC S eason 35 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5; Season 39 - 3v3; GAC Insight Search You can click units to filter squads by that unit. 9 posts Member. 450. That's No Moon (SWGOH) The Escape Pod cast The Playbook The Robot Wizard Thunder Wack Tilo Mad92. Didn't they fix this? I think I've read it in some. JMK & LV vs Jabba, SK vs Rey Ben, JML vs LV, QGJ vs CLS &. Tilo Mad92. . After about 30 minutes of attempts, I was able to clear the new tier of proving grounds with SLKR. I managed to 3* both the CAT fight and the Maul fight with the same team. Teams For All Levels of Proving Grounds in SWGOH! Including Malgus (No GL Required??) Teams For All Levels of Proving Grounds in SWGOH! Including Malgus (No GL Required??) Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Frainian • 6 mo. • 5 days ago. These values are doubled while she has Critical Hit Immunity. Earn Gear for Phoenix Squadron! CODE NAME: FULCRUM Marquee Event Earn Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) shards!. 0. Or Enfys. 3,212,577. 141. Proving Grounds. SWGOH. Those are the characters to sta. So you still have a bit of time I'd wager. Announcement. Oh no! I hit sim and got enough Shard Shop Currency for 10 MK 3 Carbantis! I just broke SWGOH's economy! Don't do like I did! (For real though, how long until the hotfix)My Greatest SWGOH Stream So Far! 3-0 in Bronzium! 200 Viewers and Likes! Proving Grounds Success! My Greatest SWGOH Stream So Far! 3-0 in Bronzium!. The reality is that even at relic 4/5 with about 50% 6e mods (and with good speed), they are, at best, a tier 3 defense. 0. ago. I've just got to 4 mil gp and can finally access proving grounds however my Jedi team can't make a dent. No aoe attacks, no aoe debuffs. Join. . 136. Lothal Proving Grounds Omicrons; Hera Syndulla Rise Together 9 Omicrons Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand The. I used just SEE and wat. Unfortunately no Bando for me. IP453, thanks for doing this, it’s just completely freaking ridiculous that this isn’t beatable with R7-R8 teams and CG is just trying to milk more money out of it, their. sorry i never recorded it lmao but they were all the relic levels required for slkr and my slkr was r8 tho. Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian Kiaowe •. GLOW, GAS, CAT, GK, and C3-P0 worked excellent. Padme lead, Ahsoka Tano, JKA, GK and C3P0 beat them all. Leaders are filtered separately. 14242 posts Member. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. ago. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. 1337 posts Member. I ended up using Thrawn, Mara, Palpatine, Piett, and Royal Guard and got 3 stars on the 6th attempt. SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Counters; 5v5 Counters Season 40. Holotable Heroes, thank you for bringing to our attention an issue with the TIE Interceptor Proving Grounds battle allowing you to run it when you have 330 Shards already. Sometimes twice. Thanks, I'll keep both suggestions in mind for the next go around. But today, the event is live and I can't even see it in my events list because it's exclusive to 4M GP players. . Rey gets Englightened at 5 turns. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. You can also use Sith Empire bit it get's really dicy if they go for Bastila fallen first. APGAINS. 103. I currently have Phoenix at 7* g8-9 and I'm 47 shards shy of taking hera to 7*. Leaders are filtered separately. r7 Rey, JKL, BB8, R2, C3P0: I can take out Hera & Sabine, no one else. 260 shards after two conquests with battle pass. There you can gain 20 CAT shards each month. NO ESTIMATE Last: 2023. When I come up against strong teams with durable members, it feels almost impossible to cut through even one of. Let's use this thread to pool our knowledge and help the community get those juicy CAT/RC shards! To start, here's what I've seen and heard so far that's worked (broken up into GL strats and non-GL strats): Moff Gideon w. -2. strategy #2. SWGOH. SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 23 (5v5) Based on 521,914 battles analyzed during GAC Season 23. So yea, Proving grounds is kinda buttcheeks, but at least this round, it looks like there are some ways to get through it. 87 % Darth Vader Speed: 276. NEW GAME MODE "PROVING GROUNDS" COMING TO GALAXY OF HEROES! Sandbox Mode? NEW GAME MODE "PROVING GROUNDS" COMING TO GALAXY OF HEROES! Sandbox Mode?. The RNG trick is to trigger damage immunity from BAM on Nest and make them waste a bunch of. 220 posts Member. gg - Lord of the Rings Heroes. In Endless mode, you simply go on until you fail the challenge. 85 57 % Barriss Offee Speed. razor crest proving grounds . Get rid of the modifiers on Proving Grounds. You need to use synergy teams.