B. C. nuclear separation. nuclear fission. C. Mirage is due to _____ Equal heating of different parts of the. Some of them explode when. nuclear separation. C. C. D. |Score . D. nuclear fusion. C. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. 0 Answers/Comments. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear fusion. C. nuclear fusion. nuclear fission. C. B. B. 0 Answers/Comments. C. nuclear fission The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. Weegy: Citizens have to register to vote ,To make sure people vote only once. Updated 10/14/2018 11:37:06 PM. nuclear fusion. nuclear separation. D. C. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. Changes the color of litmus paper to red B. C. nuclear fission. B. nuclear fission. D. User: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear fusion. D. D. nuclear fusion. C. nuclear fusion. C. nuclear separation. Weegy: When given a compound, adding up all of the atomic masses of all of the individual atoms within one molecule of a compound will determine the molecular mass. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called? A. nuclear separation. Score . B. |Score 1|Victoria123|Points 127| User: Which statement is true about alkali metals?A. D. nuclear fission. nuclear disintegration. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear disintegration. nuclear fusion. D. nuclear fission. B. nuclear fission. D. nuclear fission. nuclear fission. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear disintegration. nuclear fusion. Question. B. nuclear fusion. Weegy: The following state of matter has no definite shape but does have a definite volume: Liquid. nuclear separation. _____. B. nuclear separation. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear fusion. C. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. Weegy: A red opaque object reflects red light only. Weegy: If a thermometer indicates 40 degrees Celsius, the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is:. separation. D. Weegy: "Career Clusters" describe a group of careers within the same industry. Write 0. weegy. D. disintegration. nuclear fusion. C. nuclear disintegration. Weegy: The shortest wavelength within the visible spectrum is violet. nuclear separation. Question. nuclear separation. D. Weegy: Fluorine is classified as a halogen. Weegy: If a substance forms crystals when it solidifies, its freezing and melting points are the same. nuclear separation. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. C. What is the sum of 6 feet 10 inches and 8 feet 9 inches?The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. There are no comments. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear fusion. nuclear fusion. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear separation. D. nuclear fusion. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear: fission. Weegy: The process by which a substance changes from a gaseous state to the liquid state is condensation. B. D. nuclear disintegration. nuclear separation. nuclear fusion. nuclear separation. Score 1. Updated 32 days ago|5/15/2023 6:58:16 PM. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuc ear 26% A. Asked 9/14/2019 1:41:21 PM. B. D. 48, you obtain 5. nuclear fission. Weegy: The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear separation. Question. C. B. D) disintegration. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called B. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. D. Conducts heat readilyThe process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. D. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. B. nuclear fissionThe process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. D. B. nuclear separation. Weegy: The measure of the number of atoms in one element that will combine with an atom of another element is VALENCE. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear separation. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called nuclear fission. nuclear separation. B. nuclear fission. B. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. D. D. Weegy: The process by which a substance changes from a gaseous state to. Weegy: A gas is a form of matter that fills the volume of its container. C. B. nuclear disintegration. Weegy: Subtracting 8. nuclear fusion. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. 11/11/2022 12:10:47 AM| 11 Answers. nuclear separation. D. '; Popular Conversations. nuclear fission. D. Weegy: The element fluorine is classified in the periodic table as a halogen. B. B. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. Weegy: Ultraviolet rays is the type of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear fission. Weegy: The three major types of volcanoes are: Shield volcanoes, Cinder cones, and Composite volcanoes. Question. THE PROCESS OF SPLITTING AN ATOM INTO TWO LIGHTERS ATOMS IS CALLED NUCLEAR. Log in for more information. nuclear separation. D. nuclear fission. nuclear fission. B. B. The process of splitting an atom into two lighter atoms is called A. nuclear fusion.