net provides SSL-encrypted connection. Login to Portal and PeopleSoft from any District Computer Open Internet. Login to Portal and PeopleSoft from any District Computer Open Internet Explorer or Google Chrome and type peoplesoft. PeopleSoft Employee Self Service - USD259. If you have questions, contact the IOT Help Desk at 1. Oracle PeopleSoft Sign-in. Enable Accessibility Mode. New Link for Webmail. Office 365. Wichita Public Schools is always seeking outstanding new employees for our positions. net or 316-973-4574. Visit. You do not have the necessary permissions to view this [email protected]. Match case Limit results 1 per page. I am a parent . Rapid Identity Portal – Wichita Public Schools. Log in to PeopleSoft Self. . net or 316-973-4574. Phone: (316) 973-4574. About Greiffenstein-Wells Middle School; Faculty & Staff. People Soft - OfficeWho We Are. In-person enrollment will be offered at all WPS schools noon to 7 p. In this role, I was also responsible for our OnBase document management application. Select a Language. Staff Directory; Staff Quick Links; Programs" Library; Physical Education; Parents & Students"PeopleSoft - Can only be used in IE (Internet Explorer) & can only be accessed in district. State employees and PeopleSoft users to login to any PeopleSoft application, you must first connect to the state network, either through an office location or through the VPN. Summer Hours. Monday - Friday 7:45 am to 4:45 pm. * Enroll in your benefits. 29th N. Who We Are. ADULT. * Find important plan details. * Make changes when you have qualifying life events. User ID. WPS Payroll Summary for New Hire Orientation Welcome to USD 259! If you. This page may require you to be logged in. Safe SAFEBROWSING Safety status Safe Phishtank Safety status N/A Secure connection support HTTPS Peoplesoft. You can go there during enrollment and throughout the year to: * Look up general benefits information. usd259. Information regarding Direct Deposit and address changes can be found in your PeopleSoft Self Service account. WPS Payroll Summary for New Hire Orientation Welcome to USD 259! If you have any questions regarding the timing of your paycheck, please contact the Payroll Department at [email protected]’ll find everything you need on bswift’s online portal. Or sign in using: Sign in with QuickcardIn-person Enrollment. 2 were used during this time. peoplesoft employee self service - usd259. m. Current vacancies are updated. To access the Benefits Guide and for. Faculty & Staff. net. 316-973-8000ParentVUE and StudentVUE Access . Benefits Information. Wichita Public Schools is always seeking outstanding new employees for our positions. Current vacancies are updated. I am a studentText of PeopleSoft Employee Self Service - USD259 Page 2 of 5 Page 3 of 5 Page 4 of 5. Webmail link or Outlook from Home link, that link will be replaced with: Outlook Web Application (OWA), versions 8. I am a parent . The District of Choice! The Employer of Choice! Human Resources staff members are available to assist employees and potential employees in any way so that Wichita children receive the best possible education. Employees may review their paychecks online a few days before their scheduled payday. net Sign in using the User Name and Passwordwichita usd 259 portal access in 3 steps, usd259 rapid identity, rapididentity portal login, peoplesoft usd259, parentvue usd 259, studentvue usd259, usd 259 calendar, usd 259 enrollment, usd 259 phone number. usd259. Regular Hours. Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. Wichita, KS 67204. I am a studentWelcome to USD 259! If you have any questions regarding the timing of your paycheck, please contact the Payroll Department at [email protected]. Our department supported HR, Benefits and Payroll. , Tuesday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 26. Password. Sign in with Microsoft. Click on the image at left for more information. SSO - District Single Sign On Link - My Learning Plan - SchoolWires - APEX and more. * Update life insurance beneficiaries. 8-9. The District of Choice! The Employer of Choice! Human Resources staff members are available to assist employees and potential employees in any way so that Wichita children receive the best possible education. Once you are on the state network, use your normal username and password to access PeopleSoft. If you use Webmail (online email) Formally: it will change to what I have listed below. PeopleSoft HR Login. ParentVUE and StudentVUE Access . of 5. * View annual notices. Fax: (316) 973-4767. 2220 W.